The core potential of Industry in the 21st century is to pursue “Quality of Life”.
Design is an effective and systematic vehicle to enhance the quality of life. Korea can compete with other developed countries only if we become a country endowed with a strong design capability. The International Design school for Advanced Studies (IDAS) has set two main goals: to educate future designers in global competitiveness, and to disseminate design awareness to influential leaders. In order to accomplish its first goal, IDAS offers both Masters and a Ph.D. programs in design.
Gearing towards globalization, IDAS has equipped half of its faculty with foreign designers, and also emphasizes foreign exchange programs. While maintaining global standards, IDAS also cultivates potential through the selection of students from diverse backgrounds and provides students with a holistic perspective towards solving problems. The nature of design is “problem solving” and this requires an accurate understanding of a problem. Innovative design is possible only when diverse viewpoints are introduced through product development as leading design companies have continuously shown.
IDAS owns and runs the Design Innovation Center, the first center of its type to be designated by the Korean government. It provides quality service with fully digitalized equipment and educates students and designers on up-to-date management techniques. IDAS also owns and runs the International Design Trend Center that provides in-depth information on current worldwide design trends. It is essential to both read and drive trends to become a leading design country. Since 2010 IDAS has received government grants for Convergence Design Education, New Growth and BK21 Plus programs.
For the accomplishment of its second goal, IDAS motivates changes in our society through design awareness. Around 270 graduates of the New Millennium Course founded the IDAS KOREA, an alumni association, and created the 'IDAS Movement, Intellect and Design as Assets for the future Society', in order to further develop competitiveness. IDAS KOREA supports our school with scholarships and donations, and has become our guardian.
IDAS is a small and unique school where every person feels like a member of family. Students obtain tailored education according to their needs and future plans, and alumni receive lifetime service enrichment support. In other words, once you become a student of IDAS, you are a lifetime member.
The future is created and built by us. If we don’t dream tomorrow today, these dreams will not come to fruition. Let IDAS be your ‘dream factory’. You, the brave dreamers of tomorrow, are the future of Korea and the rest of the world.
Once in IDAS, forever in IDAS!